
Our lab is designed to be a unique research environment that is a blend of computational biology and genomics with experimental research in immunology and infectious disease. The College provided us the start-up fund for setting up a high-performance computational infrastructure, which is fully integrated into NC State Bioinformatics Research Center (BRC) computing cluster system and is supported by dedicated BRC IT staff. In our College’s Research Building, we have independent bench space in the regular open laboratory, plus equipment space in shared laboratories inside the building and the full access to a shared BSL-3 lab on the same floor. We have standard laboratory equipment like PCR machines, gel electrophoresis system and imaging system, plate reader, microscopes, freezers, LN tank, in addition to the access to College’s shared equipment such as BioRad’s ChemiDocTM Imaging System, Applied Biosystems’s Real-Time PCR System, Flow Core, etc.

We also have the following setup to perform deep sequencing analysis in the lab:

  • Aligent Bioanalyzer and TapeStation
  • 10x Genomics Chromium X system: single cell analysis
  • Countess II Automated Cell Counter
  • Illumina NextSeq benchtop sequencer: short read sequencing
  • Nanopore PromethION P2 Solo and MinION: long read sequencing


BSL-3 Laboratory

A shared BSL-3 lab gives us the capacity to safely prepare infectious samples for deep sequencing analysis.

10x Chromium X

The Chromium X System enables multiple high-throughput single cell analysis such as single cell RNA-seq and immune repertoire profiling.

Illumina Nextseq

The NextSeq 500 has the capacity to produce up to 800 million paired-end reads for high throughput DNA and RNA sequencing.

Computer Cluster

All deep sequencing data is directly transferred to our dedicated file server at the BRC and backed up online and remotely.